2014年4月10日 星期四

Company Visit Day

Yesterday we went to IBM for company visit. I did a report about IBM when I was in ITI, but I don't remember much about it, especially IBM's products. However, we had an interesting presentation, and it reminded me about the report I did. After the presentation, we walked around in their office. I quite like it. It's very modern, and there are some equipment for staff to release pressure, for example darts, and Xbox.

Later we went to the Skylon Hotel, my work place, for lunch. It's a bit strange to have all my classmates in my work place, but it's also interesting.

Then, we got another presentation about "Social Media". I quite focus on this topic because it's highly related to what we are working on in the hotel right now.

It was a very fruitful day, and it was good to see all of my classmates, too.

昨天我們去參訪了IBM 雖然在ITI的時候我做過有關IBM的報告 但已經不太記得內容了 不過在聽完簡報後 我的記憶都回來了 哈 IBM主要提供資訊分析的服務 例如如何讓城市變得更聰明! (Frank還提到遠通ETC應該找IBM幫忙的 哈哈哈) 之後還參觀了一下IBM內部 我還滿喜歡那裡的工作環境 裝潢很現代 還有員工休閒娛樂的場所!

後來我們去了我工作的Skylon Hotel吃午餐 看到同學來我工作的地方一方面有點奇怪一方面又滿有趣的~

午餐後我們在那聽了一個有關社群網站的簡報 我還滿專注在這個主題上的 因為這跟我現在在飯店裡的工作有很大的相關!

總之這天的收穫非常多! 也很開心跟101A的同學聚在一起~

