2014年4月29日 星期二

St Stephen's Green

St Stephen's Green is a park located in the Dublin city center. I love it so much!! It's soooooo beautiful. According to a tour guide, the model of this park is New York Central Park. The only thing I don't like is there are always a lot of people in the park!!! haha

我超愛這個地方!!!!每個角落都超美~~  可惜人有點太多!! 誰叫大家都愛這個公園呢XD

2014年4月15日 星期二


Last Saturday, I went to Howth, a fishing village near Dublin city center. It was REALLY cold on that day, but it's a good place. Good view and seafood! Most surprising is you can see seals there!! Probably I will go there again in the future.

星期六我去了都柏林市區附近的海港Howth,那裡真的超級冷的!!! 但我還滿喜歡那個地方的 有美景有海鮮~ 而且還可以看到海豹!! 聽說還有隱藏版的美景沒看到 下次要再去!!!

2014年4月14日 星期一


On Saturday, I went to the National Botanic Gardens, and the Glasnevin Cemetery. These two places are quite close so I visited them on the same day.

The National Botanic Gardens is a very good place to take a walk. There are so many different kinds of plants. I really like it.
Another place is the Glasnevin Cemetery. I was very surprised when someone recommended it to me. I don't understand why I should visit a cemetery. However I quite like it after I visited it. We attended the tour, and the tour guide told us a lot of stories behind this cemetery. I feel I should know more Irish celebrities so I kind understand more stories. 


國家植物園是個很適合散步的地方,而且裡面有各式各樣的植物, 我還滿喜歡這裡的


我們還參加了導覽,聽了很多這個地方的故事,有些悲傷有些有趣! 如果我多認識一些愛爾蘭的名人,參觀起來應該會更有感覺! 沒想到參觀墳墓會是這種心情~

2014年4月10日 星期四

Company Visit Day

Yesterday we went to IBM for company visit. I did a report about IBM when I was in ITI, but I don't remember much about it, especially IBM's products. However, we had an interesting presentation, and it reminded me about the report I did. After the presentation, we walked around in their office. I quite like it. It's very modern, and there are some equipment for staff to release pressure, for example darts, and Xbox.

Later we went to the Skylon Hotel, my work place, for lunch. It's a bit strange to have all my classmates in my work place, but it's also interesting.

Then, we got another presentation about "Social Media". I quite focus on this topic because it's highly related to what we are working on in the hotel right now.

It was a very fruitful day, and it was good to see all of my classmates, too.

昨天我們去參訪了IBM 雖然在ITI的時候我做過有關IBM的報告 但已經不太記得內容了 不過在聽完簡報後 我的記憶都回來了 哈 IBM主要提供資訊分析的服務 例如如何讓城市變得更聰明! (Frank還提到遠通ETC應該找IBM幫忙的 哈哈哈) 之後還參觀了一下IBM內部 我還滿喜歡那裡的工作環境 裝潢很現代 還有員工休閒娛樂的場所!

後來我們去了我工作的Skylon Hotel吃午餐 看到同學來我工作的地方一方面有點奇怪一方面又滿有趣的~

午餐後我們在那聽了一個有關社群網站的簡報 我還滿專注在這個主題上的 因為這跟我現在在飯店裡的工作有很大的相關!

總之這天的收穫非常多! 也很開心跟101A的同學聚在一起~

Walk in Dublin

I really think Dublin is suitable for walking. Recently I walked everywhere, from the hotel to home, from home to DCU, from the hotel to city center. I like walking in Dublin (especially when the weather is good), and I feel I can get closer to Dublin by walking. Also I can take a lot of photos.

我覺得都柏林非常適合走路! 最近我走了很多地方 從飯店走回家 從家走到DCU 從飯店走到市中心 我很喜歡在這裡走路(尤其是天氣好的時候) 因為我好像可以透過走路更了解更熟悉這個城市! 還可以拍很多照片


2014年4月7日 星期一

Colorful Doors

Before I came to Ireland, I heard that the doors are all in different colors here. 

The story behind colorful doors is that Irish like to drink, and the colorful doors are easier for them to find the way home

Now, I see it!!! It really makes the city colorful.


果然是真的!!!  彩色的門讓整個城市都變得更彩色了!

2014年4月4日 星期五

Nice Weather!

Today's weather is incredibly nice!!! I just kept taking pictures because I like the blue sky so much! Hope the weather is also nice on the weekend.

今天的天氣實在是太棒了!!! 天空超級藍 所以我不停地拍照~~ 希望周末的天氣也能如此!

An Old Gentleman

When I was serving in the bar area yesterday, an old gentleman talked to me.

He said "Are you new here?"
I answered "Yes, I am here for the internship"
He said "I knew Toni."
I said "Oh yes, but Toni isn't here today." and asked "So you must come here very often, don't you?"
He said "Yes, because my sister is suffering from Parkinson's, I have to come here visit her."
I said "Oh, my grandfather is also suffering from that." (Actually, I realized my grandfather is suffering from Alzheimer's after I finished the sentence.)
He said "It's sad, isn't it?"

Then I said goodbye to him. And I feel warm after this conversation.

One of the best things of working in a hotel is that you can meet people from different places with different reasons. And it's really good to hear someone's story.


他問 "你是新來的嗎?"
我回答 "恩 我是來實習的"
他說 "我認識這裡的Toni"
我說 "喔~Toni今天不在這" "你應該很常來這裡 對吧?"

他說 "恩~因為我有一個姐姐得了帕金森氏症 所以我會來這裡看她"
我說 "歐 我爺爺也有帕金森氏症" (但就在我講完這句話的瞬間我想起我爺爺是阿茲海默症...)
他說 "這很悲傷 不是嗎~"

然後我就送他離開了  但結束這段對話後 我覺得心中暖暖的


City Center!!

Yesterday I went to the city center after finishing work. It's really convenient for me to go there because there are so many buses I can take from the Dublin Skylon Hotel.

昨天下班後 我去了市中心. 大概距離我工作的飯店10~15分鐘的路程 而且有很多公車可以到 所以之後應該可以常常去
We didn't see a lot that day but we went to the most famous area, Temple Bar. It's a really busy place.

我們沒有在那停留很久,但我們去了最有名的地方Temple Bar. 那裡充滿了各種bar而且越晚越熱鬧!

Also, I can say that Dublin is full of music. Many buskers play different kinds of music.

都柏林真的是充滿音樂的地方,大街上有很多街頭藝人,而且他們都演奏不一樣的音樂 有傳統的愛爾蘭音樂 也有一些歌手或組合等

Finally, we went to the Elephant&Castle for dinner. I had chicken wings which  they are famous for, and it's really good, spicy and sour. I might go there again.

最後我們去吃了 Elephant&Castle,我點了他們最有名的雞翅! 真的滿好吃的 又辣又酸! 我應該還會再去吃~

2014年4月2日 星期三


Just talked to the little sister in my homestay, and she told me my phone is so big and maybe it the biggest one she has ever seen. I told her that big phones are common in Taiwan, and there are phones even bigger than mine (I mean HTC ONE MAX!) She was so surprised, and said it's a very interesting fact that Taiwanese likes big phones. She doesn't know where Taiwan is but I am very willing to tell her everything about Taiwan.

今天跟寄宿家庭的小妹妹聊天,她不停地讚嘆我的手機好大! 幾乎是她見過最大的手機了 於是我跟她說台灣很多人喜歡大支的手機 有些甚至比我的還要大呢(我指的是HTC ONE MAX) 她很驚訝地說台灣人喜歡大支手機是一件很有趣的事 雖然她不知道台灣在哪裡(她說台灣在日本嗎) 但我非常樂意跟她分享台灣的一切

Bus driver

Today on my way to work, I forgot where I should get off the bus. Luckily, I met a nice driver. She used the speaker to remind me that I should get off. It was really nice of her!!
今天搭車忘記要在哪站按鈴下車~~不過遇到好心司機~透過廣播跟我說Skylon hotel到了!! 嘻嘻

Second day in the Best Western Dublin Skylon Hotel

One of my missions today is to create a blog so... Here you are!!
今天的工作之一是創一個部落格~~~ 完成!!

Nice to meet you!

The first time I saw the place I’m going to work in for two months. The day was so good, therefore I took a beautiful picture.
與飯店初次見面!! 當天天氣超好~所以拍到了一張好照片!天空超級藍~